The Kiddimoto Super Junior is a lightweight balance bike for children between 18 months and 5 years old. The bike weighs in at just 2.8kg, making it easy to handle and lots of fun to ride.
Kiddimoto balance bikes help your child to learn the basic skills of bike riding in a natural, progressive and safe way. The Super Junior is pedal-free bike, so they ride the bike by using their feet to scoot along and because there are no stabilisers, children will naturally start to develop their balancing skills. Once your little one moves on to a larger pedal bike, they'll be confident, co-ordinated and ready to ride!
Age: 18 months - 5 years
- Lightweight steel frame and forks
- Comfy seat and grips for little people
- Upright riding position
- Super grippy footplate
- Adjustable saddle height
- Metal bearings and headset
- Puncture resistant tyres
- All plastic and metal parts safety tested as non-toxic
Seat height: 340 - 450mm
Wheel Size: 12-inch
Weight: 2.8kg